Organic Forestry Center
Nature Preserve
Grass fed Beef for Sale

Organic, grass fed, all natural, free range beef
Omega 3s healthy for your heart
Locally grown
Black Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Charolais and more
Whole, half, quarter or eight
USDA Inspected

$1.60 per pound (on the foot). This includes the butchering fee. ($50 deposit is required for each 1/8 of beef ordered)

The average age of our grass fed beef at the time of butchering is between 18 months and 30 months. Depending on the time of year they are born and how well their mothers milk are some factors as to how old they will be when they are finished. Long cold winters, hot summers and many other factors play a role on their age at time of butchering.

Here is what people are saying about the meat they have bought from the Organic Forestry Center:

Anita from Madison, Wis - "We have purchased certified organic beef and it does not hold a candle to your meat"

Clarence from Oshkosh, Wis- "Your meat is the best - tastes great. I have no problems digesting it. Meat is really lean". Clarence often shares meat with his friends.

Jamie fom New London, Wis - They love the meat and often shares with friends. The prices are very affordable, better than other producers of grass fed beef.

Parkis from the Kingston/Dalton area - who is approximately 61 years of age. "This is the best meat and hamburger I have ever had in my life"

Of the meat processing plants that we use, here are some comments from the butchers, owners, and the USDA inspectors:

"This is the best looking meat they have ever seen"

"The fat content is just right - it's perfect - - no loss"

"Most of the time the grass fed beef that they see have very little fat or no fat, and the grain fed beef have too much fat - alot of which gets thrown away - - your's is just right"

Our cattle yield much higher percentage of meat than grain fed beef. You get the most amount of meat for your dollar.

Comments from people who have visited on the grounds of the Organic Forestry Center:

They really like how the cattle are raised, the trees and your connection to nature. The cattle are healthy, clean and beautiful to look at. They also really like the museum and the library dedicated to all of what we do here. They can see that this it is not just the average farm, but rather something we are dedicated to and believe in our hearts, that there is much more than just sustainability here but we are working towards edifying the land, people, animals, neighbors, and the world by example.

Since 1981 we have raised natural grass fed beef. Our beef cattle are a part of a circle of life. They are a main ingredient to the Organic Forestry Center. They are the heart of a concept of goodness to our home. They graze within 20 feet of our house and business. They rotationally graze up to and around our trees. They help us maintain our 160 acres of beautiful farmland, trees, fencelines, gardens, nursery and orchards. They also help us to maintain the waterways, ditches, forests, fields and pastures. They do most of the lawn mowing and keep the pathways and roads trimmed nicely. Small and large electric fence helps us do this.

They are meticulously cared for. Their water is kept fresh and clear. They are not allowed to wreck the soil.

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